Radiant Purity

The Virtuous Woman: A Source of Attraction and Favor

In Ruth 3:10-11, we see Boaz referring to Ruth as a virtuous woman, someone known for her exceptional character and qualities. 10 And he said, Blessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter: for thou hast shewed more kindness in the latter…

The Tale Of Love And My Birthright

I’ve not fully recovered from the trauma of that 5 minutes gratification. He was more than a dear friend; he was my confidant and provider, always willing to give me whatever I requested. I’ve finally found the “husband” of my…

Practical H.E.D.G.E.S. For Purity: Guard Your Eyes

After watching romantic movies, I fantasize the scenes and feel like experiencing it. That’s what drives me into those sexual activities. I was just busy with something else on the internet, and then stumbled into it. Without paying much attention,…

Practical H.E.D.G.E.S for Purity: Guard Your Heart

Smoke suddenly streamed out of the car bonnet. The driver brought the car to a stop and everyone hurriedly jumped out of the car amidst shouts of – Stop! Jesus! Jesus! Help! A young man quickly rushed to the car,…

Why You Need To Be A Girl “Not Tested”

“So you mean you’ll get married to him without “testing?” Yes. Why not…? (By God’s grace.) That’s the way God designed it to be. He looked at me with this “what are you saying” attitude. And I threw a glance…

Is Sexual Purity Really Worth It?

What! I’ll choose sex. Do you know what it’s like? I can’t give it up for anything. Those were around the words this teenage girl replied to her friend’s dirty joke of – choosing between sex and a large amount…

Practical H.E.D.G.E.S. For Purity: Guard Your Ears

“Hello dearie!” Hello! “Just want to know how you’re doing and say goodnight before you fall asleep”. With smiles in her eyes… I thought we just said goodnight about 15 minutes ago. “Really! Guess I want to hear your voice…