Finding Shelter Under His Wings

Ruth Bible Study Day 12

Hello, wonderful readers!

Welcome back to our thought-provoking Ruth Bible Study series. Today, we delve into Ruth 2: 11-13 and uncover the profound meaning behind the phrase “under whose wings thou art come to trust.” These powerful words from Boaz speak volumes about the significance of placing our trust in God and finding shelter under His loving care.

As young women navigating the challenges and uncertainties of life, it’s essential to understand the depth of meaning behind this phrase and how it can impact our faith journey. Let’s dive into the rich wisdom found in Ruth’s story and discover the blessings that await us when we choose to dwell under God’s wings. But hold on tight, because there’s a challenge—a condition that comes with experiencing God’s special provision and protection. So, let’s dig in and discover how to position ourselves under His wings as young women seeking to live a life of devoted trust.

Finding Refuge in God’s Protective Wings

When Boaz addresses Ruth in Ruth 2:12, he acknowledges her trust in God and says, “May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” These words reveal that Ruth has found a place of shelter and protection under God’s wings.

The metaphor of God’s wings signifies His protective and nurturing presence. Just as a mother bird provides safety and warmth for her chicks, God offers us a place of refuge and comfort. Trusting in God and seeking refuge under His wings signifies our reliance on His guidance, provision, and care. You know, it’s like when a mother hen spreads her wings wide open, inviting her precious chicks to seek warmth and protection. But here’s the thing, my friends, this special place under God’s wings isn’t just for any random chick—it’s reserved for those who have been born again, free from the clutches of sin, and have become God’s true children.

In Exodus 19:4-5, God reminded the Israelites of how He bore them on eagle’s wings and brought them to Himself.

God’s call to the Israelites echoes to us today as young women. To experience the fullness of His care and provision, we must recognize our true identity as children of God, born again through faith in Jesus Christ. It’s not just about religious rituals or going through the motions—it’s about a heartfelt commitment to living as His redeemed and chosen ones.

Making the Vow: Devotion to God’s Ways

Remember when we explored Ruth’s vow on Day 7? She made a powerful declaration to Naomi, saying, “Whither thou goest, I will go… Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.” Ruth’s commitment to following God’s ways and leaving behind her old life paved the way for incredible blessings and provision.

In a similar vein, we are called to make a heartfelt vow to follow and leave for God, just as Ruth did. It’s not always an easy path, my friends, but it’s a journey of faith and devotion that leads us to the shelter of His wings. When we wholeheartedly commit to walking in God’s ways, forsaking the allure of the world, we position ourselves to receive His special care and blessings.

Dwelling Under His Wings: Practical Steps for Young Women

As young women seeking to dwell under God’s wings, it’s crucial to cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with Him. Here are some practical steps to help us dwell under His wings:

a) Seek Him in Prayer: Set aside intentional time to pray and commune with God daily. Pour out your heart to Him, express your desires, fears, and hopes, and listen for His gentle guidance.

Bible Reference: Psalm 46:10

In Psalm 46:10, we are reminded to be still and know that He is God. Through prayer, we find solace in His presence and learn to trust His plans and timing. Taking the time to be still before Him allows us to hear His voice and experience His peace.

b) Immerse Yourself in His Word: Dive into the Scriptures, where God’s promises and wisdom reside. Meditate on His Word, allowing it to shape your thoughts, actions, and decisions.

James 4:8 encourages us to draw near to God, and He will draw near to us. Through studying and meditating on His Word, we draw closer to God, deepening our understanding of His character and His ways. His Word becomes a lamp to guide our steps and a source of comfort and encouragement.

c) Surrender and Trust: Let go of control and surrender your life, dreams, and plans to God. Trust that He knows what’s best for you and will lead you on the right path.

Proverbs 3:5-6 implores us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. When we surrender our lives to God, acknowledging His sovereignty and wisdom, He will direct our paths and make them straight. Trusting in Him brings freedom from worry and anxiety, knowing that He holds our future in His hands.

The Blessings of Dwelling Under His Wings

In Psalm 91:1-4, the psalmist beautifully describes the blessings of dwelling in the shelter of the Most High. He assures us that when we trust in God and make Him our refuge, He will protect us from harm and cover us with His feathers. We can find rest and security in His presence, shielded from the storms of life.

When we choose to dwell under God’s wings, we open ourselves up to a world of blessings. Let’s explore some of the incredible blessings that come from placing our trust in Him:

a) Divine Protection: God is our shield and fortress. When we dwell under His wings, we find safety and protection from the storms of life.

In Psalm 91:14-15, God promises to deliver those who love Him, protect them, and answer their prayers. Trusting in God’s protective wings shields us from the attacks of the enemy and ensures that we are kept safe in His loving embrace.

b) Peace and Comfort: Under God’s wings, we experience true peace and comfort, even in the midst of trials and challenges.

Isaiah 66:13 beautifully portrays God’s comforting presence, comparing it to a mother comforting her child. Just as a mother tenderly cares for her little ones, God provides solace and reassurance to His children. In His presence, we find peace that surpasses all understanding.

c) Provision and Guidance: God abundantly provides for those who trust in Him. He guides our steps and supplies our needs according to His perfect plan.

In Matthew 6:26-27, Jesus encourages us to consider the birds of the air and how God faithfully provides for them. He assures us that if God takes care of the birds, how much more will He provide for His beloved children. When we dwell under God’s wings, we can trust that He will supply all our needs and lead us on the path of righteousness.


Dear young women, as we reflect on Ruth’s journey and the phrase “under whose wings thou art come to trust,” let us be encouraged to find refuge in God’s protective embrace. By seeking Him in prayer, immersing ourselves in His Word, surrendering our plans, and trusting in His provision, we experience the abundant blessings that flow from dwelling under His wings.

Action Points

  1. Dedicate regular time for prayer, seeking God’s presence and guidance.
  2. Immerse ourselves in Scripture, allowing His Word to shape our lives.
  3. Surrender our plans and trust in His perfect timing and wisdom.
  4. Embrace the blessings of divine protection, peace, and provision that come from dwelling under His wings.
  5. Share the goodness of God with others, encouraging them to seek refuge in Him.

May you find shelter and strength under His wings, experiencing the fullness of His love and grace. Trust in Him, for He is faithful to those who put their trust in Him.

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