The Irresistible Marks of Radiant Femininity

Radiant Femininity 3

Can you imagine one contact with a king? – One contact with someone who will hold out the door for you to walk into your dreams and desires. Or one contact with your king – the man who will be your knight in shining armour.

Many young women crave the seat of greatness, influence, and love. They want to rise to the top, spread their wings, and fly. They want to be queens.

 You want to be a queen, right? A queen in the palace of God’s plan and purpose for your life. But when the stage is set for queens-to-be to elegantly walk in and occupy their seat, will you be prepared – adorned and adorable? Or will your cloth be tattered, skin wrinkled, with a smell that provokes one to grip her nose and turn her face.

Up-coming beauty queens study the life of the beauty models that have drawn the crown to their head. There’s a crown queen you don’t want to miss learning from. Though from a humble background, she beat other flashy girls hands down, and earned herself a royal crown. She emerged as the queen. Queen Esther. Yes, you’ve heard about her.

Esther didn’t become queen at the snap of the finger. She had to swim through a preparation stage. She got polished after the similitude of a palace. The ingredients in the Esther makeover are marks, irresistible marks, which will make you, in fact, any lady, radiantly feminine.

Here they are:

  • Her purification process
  • Her counsel-seeking pattern
  • Her inner personality

He Purification Process

Esther had to go through purification process as seen in Esther 2:12

Now when every maid’s turn was come to go in to king Ahasuerus, after that she had been twelve months, according to the manner of the women, (for so were the days of their purifications accomplished, to wit, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and with other things for the purifying of the women;)

It involved 2 steps –

Six months with oil of myrrh: Myrrh was highly esteemed for its scent and purifying power by the ancients. It was used to – make the skin soft and smooth, the sweet odours were necessary for those hot countries to take away ill scents, and it gives the body strength and vigour. Esther didn’t shy away from this physical process. She knew she had to radiate a feminine beauty that will be appealing to the king.

This purification has a spiritual significance for you and I. We live in a world hot with iniquity, evoking foul odour and hardened hearts in people. But, we’ve been offered purifying myrrh – the blood of Jesus. He melts the hardened heart and snuffs the foul smell away, leaving you supple, soft, and with a sweet fragrance. “But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin“. (1 John 1:7). If you’ve not been soaked in this myrrh, do it right away by simply asking Jesus into your heart.

Six months with sweet odour and with other things for the purifying of women: This second step didn’t mention specific ingredients. In essence, there are lots of sweet odours and materials that infuse and flow out fragrance and sweetness from a woman. Women are created to spread the fragrance that comes with our femininity. Each of us possess a unique blend of that fragrance.

All of your life experiences—the good, the bad, and the ugly— blended together in right proportion produces your unique fragrance. Your life experiences, the Word of God that you’ve studied and made a part of your life, the encounters you’ve had with God, obstacles you’ve overcome all make the fragrance. God’s nature is redemptive, and everything you’ve experienced in this life will be turned around for His glory. [1]

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28).

Don’t lock that fragrance up in a bottle, thinking it matters to no one, or it’s simply useless. Like Mary, break that alabaster box (Mark 14:3) and let its sweet fragrance fill the room – the world around you.

Her Counsel-seeking Pattern

The D-day arrived. Esther had to request for anything she’ll want to take along into the strong room. I wondered what other girls demanded, and who gave them the ideas. Probably, they sat together with their girlfriends, and amidst giggles, threw up what their inexperienced minds felt would charm the king.  And with stretched forth necks that spelled “I know what I’m doing”, each girl marched to Hegai and dished out her order. Alas, the king wasn’t awed.

But Esther was a wise girl. She knew experience is a great teacher. “Hegai, the keeper of women, having been in this position for a long time, I can bet she has the best counsel”, she must have said. She clung to the advice of this older woman and won the competition.

Girl, who do get counsel from? Peers? Media? The Bible, in Titus 2, instructs older women to teach younger ones. Are you learning from Godly older women around you? As you read through the scriptures, study biographies, and watch other virtuous women, do you dare to walk in their footsteps? Seek Godly counsel.

Her Inward Personality

Esther was a beautiful young woman, but her beauty was far more than just physical. Since all of the ladies were beautiful, it could not have been Esther’s physical beauty alone that won the king’s attention and affections. Her real beauty was an unfading beauty that rose from within. Such beauty cannot be formed by Photoshop or made up. It is the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which in the sight of God is of great price. It is the soul of a virtuous woman, priceless, far above rubies. It is a beauty born out of a born again life, and bearing the fruits of the spirit.

She has walked through the purification process.

Her life is an epitome of a soft and peaceful spirit, forgiving, kind, wise, insightful, discerning, humble, elegant, loving, and graceful lady. She is bold and very courageous. Lovely!

These amiable character ushered her into the seat of influence and greatness in the most powerful empire of her time. Her impact traversed generations, and is still being heralded.

Girl, like Esther, you too can be so radiant that your life impacts kingdoms and generations. Submit yourself to the purification process, seek wise counsel from God’s word and experienced people, and exude the loveliness of inward beauty.

You are born a woman, but you blossom into a queen. The key lies in your hands.

So girl, walk down to the comment section and share with us the preparation process you employ (or intend to employ) in your journey to becoming a queen. I’ll be glad to hear from you. Share this post with other ladies. Let’s all take our seats as – a Queen.

Remain Radiant!

[1] Michelle McClain-Walters. The Esther Anointing

The irresistible marks of radiant femininity

4 thoughts on “The Irresistible Marks of Radiant Femininity”

    1. That’s great, Victoria. Christ’s arms are wide open, ready to mould, just like a potter does with the clay. God’s grace, dear.

  1. I embrace she purification process and everything Queen Esther went through to furfill my destiny. Im a Queen in waiting. Lord Jesus help me Radiate your Light and beauty ????????

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