Make Brave Decisions, Birth A Radiant Destiny

Make brave decisions, birth a radiant destiny

I sold all my textbooks except one. What a decision!

As I walked out of the school premises, I felt a bandage wrapped around my neck was pulled off. 

I’m done with this. Off to go pursue the life I want.

You’re wondering why I’ll dump schooling. No, I didn’t. I love school. I love learning and writing exams. You could pay me to keep going to learn what I want, and I’ll be just fine.

But on this occasion, I knew I wasn’t in the right place at the right time. One of those emotional steps you take… At the suggestion of a loved one, hoping something better comes out at the end. 

No much thought, I jumped in… Shortly after, I knew this isn’t for me. Exams were by the corner, my heart burned with Girls Radiant Walk. 

I was about opening the doors of this blog, and I didn’t want anything to push it further. As I prayed about everything, all I heard my spirit say was, “walk out of that program”.

But… Fear. Indecision. How will pick my bag and leave? It sounds like… “School drop-out”. Failure. You studied all-the-way to M.SC, and just a one year “little” program, you’re backing out.

I heard my dad’s voice in my head.

But I knew this was different. I needed to make a radical decision. A decision that determines destiny. A decision on that will open the door to radiance.

I did it. And I don’t regret it.

As I read the account of Moses, I discovered I’m his kinsman. Anyone who desires a radiant destiny must be his kinsman.

And what do we do in our kindred? We make decisions.

One radical decision led Moses into the path of destiny fulfilment. Hebrews 11:24-25 tells us about it – By faith, Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharoah’s daughter: choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.

Did you see that? Moses “choose” and “refused“. Decision. If he didn’t take that decision, despite all odds or uncertainties, he would have remained in Pharoah’s house and died without fulfilling a radiant destiny.

God doesn’t drag anyone into His will. He’s given of the free will – to make a decision.

What decisions do you have to make? What’s keeping you back from them?

The Decision Killer

One thing that stops people from taking decisions is FEAR

You agree with me, right? I know this because it confronts me as well.

Two fears.

  •  Fear of failure
  • Fear of man

These two fears held my legs and hands until I spat them in the face and took off.

I guess Moses contended with them too. Thoughts of, what will people, like Miram, say? “So Moses, after I risked my life to go talk to Pharoah’s daughter about you, you’re bolting out to come to defend and fight for the Israelites. Why not sit back in the palace, and become the next king… You’ll help us better then.”

And the fear of failure would have told Moses… “Sit back in the house and relax. You’ll make a fool of yourself if you back out.”

Hello lady, God has not given you the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). Rise and face those fears.

Shut the door of your heart against “what will they say”. Permit yourself to fail. Yes. When you permit yourself to fail, you won’t fear failure. Who succeeds without failing. Even Moses had it rough at his first attempt.

Just ensure you’re in the centre of God’s will

How Do I Know God’s Will – The Decision To Take

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:6)

Will of God
Read post here

As you walk with God in all you do, He’ll keep directing you. Trust and obey. You may not see the whole picture, just take the next right step. 

And when you come to a crossroad, stop, look up, listen, then keep moving.

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

Trust God. Trust your guts.

Make that decision today. Not taking a decision is also a decision. 

Stop sitting on the fence.

  • Walk to the foot of the cross for your salvation – now. Decision.
  • Walk away from that abusive, immoral relationship – now. Decision.
  • Walk into that school and purchase that form you’ve been postponing – now. Decision.
  • Walk to that firm and drop your application for the intern or skill you need to acquire – now. Decision.
  • Walk up to that person who hurt you, makeup with him/her, then forgive – now. Decision.

Think of the decisions you need to take and start working towards them. The time to do it is now.

Don’t sacrifice your radiant destiny on the altar of procrastination and fear.

The Sting of Conformity

Society teaches “us” the art of conformity. To go with the flow. “Majority carries the vote”. People want to act and dress and talk like everyone. 

On the other hand, we’re mostly from backgrounds that foster non-assertiveness. No questions. No suggestions. No decisions. Children, just do as I say. 

No, we won’t throw fists on parents and leaders… They, some of them, meant well. “Train up a child in the way he should go…”

But it’s misappropriation dulled the assertive spirit of a lot of young people. Sadly, they grow up with that spirit of “do as they do or say”. 

I don’t want to step on someone’s toes. I don’t want to be different from others. I don’t want to displease them.

Someone said, “the opposite of success is conformity“. True. I’ve not seen a conformer, a spineless people-pleaser who succeeds. 

Conformity ridicules your life and future. Those who stand for Christ and right, and who will light the world dare to take a stand. They decide the life they want to live… On God’s terms. 

You’ve got to be fearless to live out Biblical femininity. 

The Bible says, “when Moses was come to years” (came of age)… 

If you are reading this, you have come of age. To choose and refuse. 

Don’t play the majority game. Outliers dare to stand alone. Eagles don’t flock with birds.

If you’re an eagle, pull yourself off the floor, and soar.

It begins with a DECISION.

Your Decision today will lead you closer or farther from a Radiant Destiny. Watch. Pray. Decide.

Remain Radiant!

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